Cluster e Poli srl is involved in two innovation hubs and one national cluster.
In particular it has been part of the National Italian Cluster “Blue Italian Growth” since 2018. The cluster is a network of public and private bodies whose main objective is to fill the gaps of research and industry in the blue growth field, giving to the partners the opportunity of exchange knowledge and be part of a recognized group of experts in the field.
Since 2018 srl has been part of the Polo Smart Logistic, a regional innovation hub with the aim of providing logistics services to public and private companies as well as research centers.
More in details the innovation hub aims at:

  • provide specialized services, high value-added consultancy and training for businesses
  • support the cooperation between hub partners and external companies
  • enhance the knowledge in the logistic field and train human resources
  • support and strengthen of the links between the scientific system and the entrepreneurial system

Since 2011 srl has been part of the Polo NET, a regional innovation hub with the aim of contributing to the development of actions for the enhancement of scientific and technological research infrastructures and services.